Aamr Khafaf law office conducts management of all processes required for the follow-up of all foreign blue or white-collar employees before relevant public institutions and botanizer and residence permits in a timely manner also our law firm provides all legal and non-legal services for foreigners in overall Iraq (Baghdad & Erbil) such issuing visas, residency, helping them to find proper houses in addition to that allowing them to start with the business which they like…

What is Payroll Accounting? Payroll Journal Entry Guide 2021-Arabic

Credit the FICA tax payable, federal income withholding payable, state income withholding payable, and any other withholdings on employee paychecks. Initial recordings, also known as the originating entry, are the primary entries for payroll accounting. Payroll accounting helps you keep track of employee compensation and other payroll costs. Accounting for payroll gives you an accurate snapshot of your expenses. Payroll liabilities relate to expenses a business owes but hasn’t yet paid. Independent contractors are often…

What Is Conversational AI? Definition and Examples-Arabic

Conversational AI: What Is It? Guide with Examples & Benefits It harmoniously blends innovations in the field of natural language processing, machine learning, and dialogue management to achieve highly intelligent bots for text and voice channels. By doing so, conversational AI enables computers to understand and respond to user inputs in a way that feels like they are in a conversation with another human. Another major differentiator of conversational AI is its ability to understand…

What Are Small-Cap Stocks, and Are They a Good Investment?-Arabic

Unlike outstanding shares issued to shareholders, treasury shares or treasury stock do not grant voting rights or right to dividends. The total outstanding shares must be within the limits authorized by the company’s capital stock as defined in its charter or articles of incorporation. Authorized stock refers to the maximum number of shares a firm is allowed to issue based on the board of directors’ approval. Preferred stockholders generally do not have voting rights, though they have a…

The Difference Between Temporary & Permanent Accounts-Arabic

Inventory Temporary Account, or ITA as it is often referred to, is a business account created by companies to track inventory and stock movements. Additionally, due to its temporary nature, this type of account helps businesses safely store and distribute their inventory, while also increasing their financial efficiency. In short, Inventory Temporary Account is an invaluable asset for any business looking to stay ahead in an ever-changing market. The best way for accountants to gauge…



Our services cover all aspects of taxation for companies as well as non-commercial legal entities as well as natural persons. We provide you with corporate house counseling to help you benefit from tax exemptions avoid penalties and double taxation and ensure compliance with tax requirements by offering a full range of services in the following areas:



Consistently providing the highest level of legal services in rapidly evolving markets of the SEE region while pertaining to be a full-service, do-all, law firm can be challenging.

NGOs works-Arabic

NGOs works-Arabic

Khafaf  Law Firm is a leading provider of the highest-quality legal representation for complex national and international legal services for International NGOs and Domestic NGOs in Iraq due to its 22 years of experience with international and local NGOs in Iraq to provide legal & nonlegal services.  



In spite of the increasing demand for arbitration and alternative dispute resolution methods, litigation remains the most commonly used method of dispute settlement in Iran.